A downloadable game for Windows

Short bullet hell game for Swap Jam #1!
Programming & Coding by Alexandre Freira & João Vargas; Game Assets and Music by DD dos Reis

The theme for the Jam was Waves, so we decided to make a game where the enemies spawn in waves, set in an ocean where waves are some of the many projectiles you have to avoid.

We recommend using a controller for the best experience!

Keyboard Controls:
Space Bar : Start
Arrow Keys : Shooting

Keyboard Controls:
A : Start
Left Analog : Movement
Right Analog : Shooting

We wanted the game to be playable on browser, but we found out very late in development that Godot 4 web exports are a bit of a mess with shaders, so we had to settle for an executable.


Tidal Terror 47 MB


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very boated, cool waterz 


Downloading it and using a controller was worth it! The water shader looked great and the gameplay was simple to control, but enemy variety gave more complexity to the game. Great Job!